Tuesday 20 May 2014

Weekly Diary

This is a pattern piece I have cut out for sleeves.
After cutting out the pattern piece for sleeves I cut the pattern piece in stripes till i just about got to the end but didnt cut it all the way through. I did this so I could widen the stripes apart making the sleeves wider to create a flaired pattern piece. I then placed it on top of pattern paper and drew around it so that I can cut out a second pattern piece.
After I cut out the second wider pattern piece I placed it on calico and cut the calico in the shape of the pattern piece I have cut out.

 I then gathered the top of the shoulders to give it a puffed shoulder.
 After that I sewed the seam to create the sleeves.
This is the result of the flared sleeves I have created.
Here is a side view of the flared sleeves I created.
This is a pattern piece i have created for a color.

 This is a shirt i have created out of calico.
Here I have created some stripes for creating some samples.

This is a frill neck color I have created out of fabric.
This is a stripey top I have created for experiment using different abrics and patterns.

These are some bows I have created to experiment how they turn out. I have then placed the bows on a top to experiment what the design turns out like.

Week 1 and 2 of FMP
On the week of of the fmp project I started of by researching on different tribes and creating different samples inspired by the tribes.
This is one of the samples I created Inspired by the American Native tribe. I have used acrylic paint and charcole to create this sample. I think this sample turned out visually interesting because it has alot of texture of the way I applied the acrylic paint which was using the point end of a paint brush.
This sample I created was inspired by Aztec patterns. To create this sample I used the shibori technique and machine embroidery. The materials I used on this sample was felt. I used a variety of bright colours which was also inspired by aztec patterns because aztec patterns are usualy bright and bold. I really like the outcome of this sample because it turned out colourful with a lot of geometric shapes. 
This sample I created was also inspired by aztec. The technique I have used on this sample is smocking. I think this sample is visually interesting because it is 3D and has an interesting texture.

 This sample I created was inspired by massai tribe. The technique I have used on this sample is printing using a stencil and fabric dying. I have got the design idea from the garment the massai tribe wear.
 On this sample I have created hand embroidery patterns inspired by aztec patterns. I have used embroidery thread in different colours to make it bright. I like the result of the sample however it was quite time consuming sewing the patterns.
On week one I also presented my powerpoint of my research.
Week 3 and 4.
On week 4 I stared creating some fashion samples of my design ideas. I worked with differen styles and materials to see what works and what doesnt.
Here I have created a sample of a gathered skirt in loops. This skirt design was inspired by my recreation of the american native tribe.   
On this sample I created a style of a top by knotting pieces of the fabric to create an interesting design. The idea was inspired by american native tribe. I think this sample turned out well because I managed to knot the pieces of fabric together just like my design however although its very unique I dont like the way the outcome looks visually. 

Week 5, 6 and 7
On week 5 I cut out my pattern piece for the bodice for my final tiole. I then sewed the tiole together to create a complete bodice. On my bodice I also created a collar. I think the bodice turned out well because the size was a perfect fit and the structure was well made and stitched together.

On week 6 I created the skirt of my tiole. I gathered the front of the skirt in a loop which was inspired by my recreation which was inspired by American native tribe. I think this skirt structure turned out well because it has alot of gatherings and also has alot of volume just like my design. On the back of the skirt I created it long length and pleated it.

On week 7 I created the design of the back of my toile. To create the design I used the smocking technique from my aztec recreation. I think this sample turned out well because it looks visually interesting on the back of the bodice as a decorative piece.



Tuesday 18 March 2014

New Look Trends

Where can I find Information about Fashion trend predicters?

-New Look Trend Book
-WGSN Website Asos
-Marks and Spensors
- Markets
-Shopping Websites

Tribal Illustrations

Here I have drawn illustrations inspired from my moodboard and recreations. I have looked at shapes and forms and put it into the garment design. I have also used the same colour pallete from my moodboard.

Tribal Moodboard

Here I have created a moodboard of different american native inspired clothes. I have also added my own recreations so that I can use it to inspire me on my illustrations. I have also added a colour pallet on moodboard to select the comon colours that are coming through. The colour pallete will then help me decide which colours to use when I design my illustrations.

Monday 17 March 2014

Pattern Cutting

Here I have cut out pattern pieces for of a garment design for my sampling. I have sampled the design using toile so that when it goes wrong im not damaging expensive fabric. Making the sample also gave me an idea how I want my outcome to look and it also gives me confindence on how to exactly make my final garment.


Here I have tied straps of fabric together to make a knot design of a top. I have got the idea of this design from the braded pattern the amarican native woman do on their hair as a tradition.

I think this sample turned out well because the knotting technique to create a top is very unique and it looks interesting. 

This is one of the images I have looked at that inspired me to create the knot design. It is a image of the woman brading the young girls hair.
  This is a piece of clothing I have looked at that is inspred also by hair brading. The top has a brade running down the side which I thought was very interesting.

 This is another sample I created Inspired by the american native tribe. I have designed this by looking at one of my illustraion that I drew.

This is the illustration that I drew inspired by the native tribe. I got this design idea from one of my textiles recreation that was also inspired by a native tribe.

I think this sample turned out well because the skirt has a lot of volume and the stucture turned out just like the illustration. I really like this technique and might be thinking about using it on my final design.

This was the textile design I looked at that inspired me to design the shape and form of the skirt.

This was the american native tribe I looked at which gave me the idea for my recreation. The part i look at was the texture on the native necklaces. I looked at the form and texture which i found realy interesting.


Here I have put the both designs together to see if they look good together or not. I think they look interesting put together because there is alot of different shapes, forms and textures on the garment.


Assessment Planning