Tuesday 26 November 2013

Day in The Life Interview 2013 and 1980s

Interview of Ana - 2013

- Who inspires you to dress in a certain way?
The people I most look up to the way I dress are my parents because they are the people i grew up with and always looked up to.

- Which celebrity inspires you to dress? Why?
The celebrity that I look up to because of their fashion style is Alesha keys, this is because she is famous but appropriate the way she dresses and isn't over the top like other celebrities.

- How does that celebrity dress?
Alesha keys dresses very classy and sophisticated.

- What are the world event now and do they affect the way people dress?
Right now there are world events such as immigration and lack of jobs. I think that affects fashion because people have to spend their money on more important things.

- Would you rather dress in 2013 or 1940s?
Even thought 1940s fashion was more appropriate I would still rather dress in 2013 because there is more freedom.

Interview of Dad - 1980

- How did you dress in 1980s?
The most common clothing I used to wear was t-shirts and leather jackets.

- Who inspired you to dress in a certain way? Why?
The person that inspired me to dress the way I did was Michael Jackson, I was a huge fan and he was my role model.

- How does that celebrity dress?
Michael Jackson used to wear a lot of leather jackets with t-shirts and black trousers.

- What were the world events in 1980s and did they effect the way the people dressed?
Coloured clothing was invented new so people went crazy with colours and used to wear bright clothing such as coloured t-shirts, leggings and jeans.

- Would you rather dress in 2013 or 1980s?
I'd rather dress in 2013 because the clothes are more fashionable and decent.

Comparing the two interviews Ana was inspired by celebrities and so was my father, so they are both very similar becasue they are both inspired to dress like they're celebrity idols. However they both have complete different styles in the way they like to dress, my father likes to dress more casual with t-shirts and jackets and Ana likes to dress more modern and elegant such as dresses.   

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