Saturday 28 December 2013

King Fisher

For my circus caberat the theme i am using is a bird and the type of bird i am looking at is the king for inspiration. I have chosen to look at this bird because it has beautiful bright colours such as blue, green, tourquise, red and orange. I have chosen to look at a bird because I am designing a costume for a circus show girl and a show girl costume requires alot of feathers just like a bird.

The kingfisher is a small to medium sized colourful bird generally found close to water.There are nearly 100 different species of the kingfisher bird found around the world.
Kingfishers live both in wetlands and woodlands worldwide, feeding mainly on fish but also insects, frogs and crayfish with those kingfisher species that live in the woodlands occasionally eating reptiles, birds and even small mammals.
There are three main types of kingfisher around the globe which are the river kingfishers, the tree kingfishers and the water kingfishers all of which have large heads, long sharp pointed bills, short legs, and stubby tails.
The smallest species of kingfisher is the African Dwarf Kingfisher, which gets to an average of 10.4 g in weight and just 10 cm (4 inches) in length. The largest kingfisher species is the Giant Kingfisher, which gets to an average of 355 g (13.5 oz) and grows to 45 cm (18 inches). However, the familiar Australian kingfisher known as the Laughing Kookaburra may be the heaviest known kingfisher species, since large adult Australian kingfishers exceeding 450 g in weight are quite common.
Kingfishers nest in tree hollows and holes dug into the ground, which tend to be in river banks or at the sides of lakes. Kingfishers dig small tunnels with their nest at the end, which can range in length depending on the species. The giant kingfisher is known to dig tunnels that are over 8 meters long! Female kingfishers lay up to 10 eggs (although normally less), and both the male and the female kingfishers help to incubate the eggs, which hatch in between 3 and 4 weeks.
Kingfishers are well known for their brightly coloured feathers which range in colour from black to red to green. Some species of kingfisher have tufts of feathers on their heads which stick upwards, although many species of kingfishers have smooth, flat feathers covering their bodies.
Due to their generally small size, kingfishers have a number of predators wherever they exist around the world. The main predators of the kingfisher are foxes, raccoons, cats and snakes, but kingfishers are also preyed upon by other small mammals and large birds. The eggs of the kingfisher are also preyed upon by many of the kingfisher's predators.
Many species of kingfisher are considered to be threatened species as their numbers have been declining mainly due to habitat loss. These threatened species of kingfisher tend to be the kingfisher species that inhabit woodland and forests as their habitat is being destroyed due to deforestation which occurs in many areas around the world.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Whats Next?

Marc Jacob is my idol because I really like his designs and styles of clothing. The thing I love most about his work is that he designs casual clothing and manages to make it elegant and classy. Another thing I like about his clothing is that he uses big bold patterns such as checkered and stripes.
Fashion designer/ Stylist is my ideal job because I really enjoy designing and making garment and putting outfits together to get an over all look. I also love playing around with fabrics creating different styles and putting it into a garment making it look unique.

Future Companies/Jobs I Could Work For
I have researched on different fashion design companies and the types of jobs they offer based around the UK and outside of the UK that I could possibly work for in the future.

Vilshenko Moscow
The first job I have looked up is a company called Vilshenko Moscow.  

 Vilshenko Moscow is a catwalk Fashion designer who also has a clothing label company for designer clothing.
 The job I have searched for is based around the UK and the job title is sewing machinists.
I have looked at the jobs details of the job position and what the job requires by the clothing label Vilshenko.   

 I have also looked at the job summary so that I know the details of the job such as the company name and location etc.

Eva Franco Inc
The second company I have looked at is Eva Franco.
 Eva Franco is a designer brand which sells designer clothes. It is located in Los Angeles. I have looked at this job outside of the UK for the future if I was looking to work outside of the UK. The job type have looked at is fashion designer.
I have looked at the description and details of what the job requires and what the company is about.

I have also looked up the job summary for important information for myself such as where the job is located and the name of the company.

This company I have looked at is called Glamorous. Glamorous is a high street design company.
The job title I have searched for is women’s-wear designer. This time I have looked for a job that is close by to home so that it is easy for me to travel there, the location I have looked in is Manchester. I have also looked up what the job is about and what it requires. The job requires joining the design team and designing fashion products. To get the job you need 2 years of experience in the fashion design industry.

I have also looked up the job summary for important information about where the job is located and the name of the company etc.

This company I have looked at is called Zara. 

Zara is a high street company based around UK, London. They also have other offices based around different locations around the world. The job by Zara I have looked up is located in Spain. I have looked up the location outside of the UK just in case in the future I think about working abroad. The job title for the job I have looked up is fashion stylist.
I have looked at the description and details of the job and the company. These are some of the skills and requirements that is needed for the job.
I have also looked at the job summary so that I have all the information about the job such as the job location, job title and the company name etc.

Christian Dior Exhibition

Here are some primary source research I have done of Christian Diors exhibition in a museum. I have looked at different  styles of dresses designed by Christian Dior. These dresses were designed from 1940s to 1960s which means the world war 2 had an big impact on the style of his dresses.
This dress by Christian Dior looks very elegant. The skirt is pleated and the color is quite long. The fabric looks very shiny which makes it look expensive and rich. The buttons are in two sections and very symmetrical which gives it the milarary style. 

This dress by Christian Dior looks very smart. The stucture of the dress is simple with a straight skirt that is just about longer than knee length. The sleeves are short and folded to give it a smart finish. There are also buttons running down the middle from top to bottom for the design to make it look stylish yet smart. The colour of the dress is black which gives the dress a very safisticated look.
This dress by Christian Dior is very colourful and bright with floral pink patterns. This dress was made for parties and occasions however the fabric used was cotton, because of the war that took place during that time cotton would have been very expensive. The style of the skirt of the dress is flared and pleated with a hemmed skirt.  
This fabric design by Christian Dior would have been very expensive. The embriodery would have been hand stitch due to technology and money. The colours used on it are very rich and bold such as gold and black.

What is Haute Coutture?
Haute Couture is something that wouldn't be worn in an everyday life but rather something that would be seen in a run way or a catwalk, for example this tassled Christian Dior dress. This is a garment that wouldn't be worn everyday because it is made out of tassles and wouldn't be confortable. It is also very pricey and unaffordable.

Circus - Artist Research

Desigual - Circus Du Soleil
Desigual is a casual clothing brand based in Barcelona and spain. The company in well known for its patchwork design, intense prints, innovative grafiti are and flamboyant splashes of colour. The company was founded in 1984 by Thomas meyer, from switzerland and then the company has been led by Manal Adell since 2002 until 2013. desigual sells mens, womens, children clothing, accessories and womens shoes.

Elsa Schiaparelli
Elsa Schiaparelli was born in Rome in 1890 and she was an italian fashion designer. It was in paris that Schiaparelli began to design and make clothes with the encouragement of Paul Poiret and in 1927 she started her own business. Affectionately known as "Schiap" to her close friends, she mixed with some of the times most famous faces such as Marlene Dietrich, Christian Berard, Paul Poiret, Greta Garbo and Jean Cocteau. Her first collection consisted of sweaters adorned with surrealist trompe l'oeil images- a theme that was to become schiaparelli's trade mark. A black sweater with a white trompe l'oeil scarf at the neck was a particular success and was selected to appear in French Vogue. Demand for the sweater became huge and schiaparelli soon employed a team of workers to produce more, signalling the start of her own business. This lead schiaparelli opening her first shop, house of schiaparelli, where she sold her ready-to-wear clothing.

Bauhaus Triadic Ballet
The Bauhaus school of art, design and architecture was founded in weimar in 1919. It was based in dessau from 1925 to 1933 unti; the Nazis forced the closure of the school that had such a major influence on style. Now, 90 years on, the bauhaus dancers are being declared classics. Triadic Ballet by Oskar Schlemmer, aged 34, which was premiered in stuttgart i 1922, is regarded as the climax of abstract ballet. There was no danced plot, just the "free play" of an optical composition. The tut costumes consisted of brightly coloured wooden rings, the dancers arms were raised as stiffly as swords, and their legs appeared to be as rigis as steel. Their torsos were made of papier mache: balls as round as globes. Oskar Schlemmer, the master of Bauhous, admitted later "We believe that the dancers strength would be enough to conquer the costumes' rigidity trough the intensity of the movement. It must be admitted that this battle with material did not always end in the dancers victory.

John Galliano
John Galliano was born to a spanish mother and Gibraltarian father, and spanish heritage remains an integral part of Gallianos life and work. He spent the first six years of his life submerged in a sensuous wonderland: Mediterranean colour and swirling, woven textile surrounded him at every turn. Such an environment kindled a love oftextiles and design in galliano from an early age, and latin influences are prevalent in his later work. It was not until Galliano reached design school and was around people more like himself that he began to flourish. Once Galliano had graduated from city and east London college, he enrolled at central saint martins, where he made a remarkable impact. His graduation collection, titled 'Les incroyables' made brilliant by his romantic flair and diligence, received huge approval. Indeed his whole line was hastily snapped up and put  into the window of Browns boutique. Galliano left central saint martins in 1983 with his first class degree and a healthy stockpile of critical aclaim. In 1984, Galliano unleashed his own label. More critical approval followed. His daring reinvention of romantic themes are delicate, suberbly tailored garments were his trademarks.