Tuesday 10 December 2013

Circus - Artist Research

Desigual - Circus Du Soleil
Desigual is a casual clothing brand based in Barcelona and spain. The company in well known for its patchwork design, intense prints, innovative grafiti are and flamboyant splashes of colour. The company was founded in 1984 by Thomas meyer, from switzerland and then the company has been led by Manal Adell since 2002 until 2013. desigual sells mens, womens, children clothing, accessories and womens shoes.

Elsa Schiaparelli
Elsa Schiaparelli was born in Rome in 1890 and she was an italian fashion designer. It was in paris that Schiaparelli began to design and make clothes with the encouragement of Paul Poiret and in 1927 she started her own business. Affectionately known as "Schiap" to her close friends, she mixed with some of the times most famous faces such as Marlene Dietrich, Christian Berard, Paul Poiret, Greta Garbo and Jean Cocteau. Her first collection consisted of sweaters adorned with surrealist trompe l'oeil images- a theme that was to become schiaparelli's trade mark. A black sweater with a white trompe l'oeil scarf at the neck was a particular success and was selected to appear in French Vogue. Demand for the sweater became huge and schiaparelli soon employed a team of workers to produce more, signalling the start of her own business. This lead schiaparelli opening her first shop, house of schiaparelli, where she sold her ready-to-wear clothing.

Bauhaus Triadic Ballet
The Bauhaus school of art, design and architecture was founded in weimar in 1919. It was based in dessau from 1925 to 1933 unti; the Nazis forced the closure of the school that had such a major influence on style. Now, 90 years on, the bauhaus dancers are being declared classics. Triadic Ballet by Oskar Schlemmer, aged 34, which was premiered in stuttgart i 1922, is regarded as the climax of abstract ballet. There was no danced plot, just the "free play" of an optical composition. The tut costumes consisted of brightly coloured wooden rings, the dancers arms were raised as stiffly as swords, and their legs appeared to be as rigis as steel. Their torsos were made of papier mache: balls as round as globes. Oskar Schlemmer, the master of Bauhous, admitted later "We believe that the dancers strength would be enough to conquer the costumes' rigidity trough the intensity of the movement. It must be admitted that this battle with material did not always end in the dancers victory.

John Galliano
John Galliano was born to a spanish mother and Gibraltarian father, and spanish heritage remains an integral part of Gallianos life and work. He spent the first six years of his life submerged in a sensuous wonderland: Mediterranean colour and swirling, woven textile surrounded him at every turn. Such an environment kindled a love oftextiles and design in galliano from an early age, and latin influences are prevalent in his later work. It was not until Galliano reached design school and was around people more like himself that he began to flourish. Once Galliano had graduated from city and east London college, he enrolled at central saint martins, where he made a remarkable impact. His graduation collection, titled 'Les incroyables' made brilliant by his romantic flair and diligence, received huge approval. Indeed his whole line was hastily snapped up and put  into the window of Browns boutique. Galliano left central saint martins in 1983 with his first class degree and a healthy stockpile of critical aclaim. In 1984, Galliano unleashed his own label. More critical approval followed. His daring reinvention of romantic themes are delicate, suberbly tailored garments were his trademarks.

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