Tuesday 8 October 2013

1950s Vs 2013

Which decade would you prefer to live in and why?

The decade I would prefer to live in is 2013 because everyone has equal rights and women can dress however they want and people won’t look at them in a shocking way because women in the 1950s were quite covered and wore long dresses all the time. Another reason why I would like to live in 2013 rather than 1950s is because I like the fashion and style of the clothing such as jeans or pants with a top. Women in the 1950s wouldn't wear pants and tops because they wouldn’t think it was very feminine. Fashion in the 1950s wasn't very flexible, women wouldn't wear anything other than a dress or a big skirt because it was feminist whereas fashion in 2013 women can dress the way it suits them. They can mix and match different clothing such as shorts, skirts, tops and pants and nobody would look at them funny.

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