Saturday 4 January 2014

Christian Dior 'New Look'

The new look by Christian Dior was big long dresses and coats which includes styles such as soft, sloping shoulders, over cinched-in waists and full skirts which came to mid-calf, expensive fabrics, bustles, bows, wide Magyar sleeves- the contrast to the military style with straight skirts and padded shoulders.

The new look by Christian Dior amazed everyone in the late 1940s. This is because fashion was tormented because of the war and people had bigger worries than what they wore and how they looked. People couldn't afford expensive clothes and new things, peoples fashion sense also went downhill because they were so used of the 'make, do and mend' process. However Christian Dior brought back fashion to life by revealing his new collection and how women should dress. This was a so shocking to the public because he brought new styles to clothing. The 50 years of fashion magazine backs my opinion "Christian Dior brought fashion back with a fan fair when he unveiled his new season of clothing that were a world away from wartime austerity. Soft, sloping shoulders over cinched-in waist and full skirts which came to mid-calf, expensive fabric, bustles, bows, wide Magyar sleeves- the contrasts to the military style with straight skirt and padded shoulders couldn't have been more marked'. This also shows us that Christian Dior brought a wide range of styles out in fashion.

The new look by Christian Dior was not only an big interest to only Britain but worldwide "In 1947 designer Christian Dior turned the world of fashion on its head when he unveiled his bold line of ultra feminine clothing". This tells us that Christians new collection was such a big news everyone around the world was interested in this new collection.

However, Although Christian Dior’s new Look was a big hit and every woman’s dream not everybody approved of it. "In Britain women were delighted, but politicians were dismayed" This is because the country was already short of materials and Christian used a lot of yards of fabric for one coat/dress and the fabrics he used were also very expensive.

In my own opinion I think the new look was shocking because the clothing collection that Christian Dior had brought out was completely different and stylish than what people wore during the war time. Another thing I think that was so shocking was that how expensive the new collection was during that time for the people to buy as they were already poor because of the war.

The 'New Look' by Christian Dior was so shocking that even the royal family could not approve of it, "The collection was shown in secret to our two young princesses, but the king forbade them from adopting the look because it would set such a bad example". This tells us that the news was rather a big deal and a financial issue to Britain.

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