Sunday 12 January 2014


Before choosing my final design I have tryed out other techniques and fabrics to see what works best and what doesn't. I have created samples so that I can try out different techniques to experiment different ways in making something.
Here I have created frills out of fabric. I have created this frill for a color or neck piece for a top.

This is the illustation I looked to sample the frills. It is a design of a dress made out of frills to look feathery.

The illustation was also inspired me a bird.

This is the bird I looked at to inspire me of the design. The feathers of the bird are comming out in thin strips at the back which look like frills/fringes.

These are a stripey top I have created using two different fabrics with two different patterns to create a contrast between the two. \i have created them in different styles looking at the different style in Alexander Mcqueens work.

To create these samples I looked at the artist alexandre mcqueens outfits which are inspired by birds. His outfits have more than one colour colliding together which I have done on my sample.

 Here I have put the frill nect piece and stripey top together to experiment what the two would look like together and if they both work together as one piece. I think they both do look good together because it has alot of patterns, shapes and textures which make it interesting.
 Here I have used the frills I made earlier for the neck piece into a waist belt to see if it looks better as a waist belt. I have done this to also see if my design from my illustration would also work.

Here I have made a couple of bows out of cotton fabric with the polka dot design on it. I then put the bows into a top to see if it looks interesting on front of a top for a design.

I have got this idea by looking at my illustration design. I have looked at the bow designs and created samples of the bows to add onto a top. I have made and stitched them on to give it the 3D effect.

I have got this idea by looking at Bauhaus Taiadic Ballet costumes because he also makes his costumes 3D.


Here I have created another sample of a layered top and frilled skirt.

I have got the ideas of the style by looking at my refined illustration.

I have got the idea of the layered top be looking at the birds wings because the structure of the feathers are also layered on top of each other.

The idea i got of the skirt of the dress was be looking at the tradition skirts of a showgirl.

The show girl has frills/ fringes comming down on the bottom of the costume made out of beads, i have recreated my garment and made the frills out of strips of fabric.


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