Tuesday 7 January 2014

Exotic Birds

1. can you find any legends about the birds of paradise and humming birds?

I have reasearch on different species of birds of paradise. Birds of paradise are only found in an island called New Guinea in the mountains and valleys. These birds are really unique looking compaired to other birds. The male birds of paradise are usualy more unique and colourful than the female, they use their colours and dance around the females to attract them. Here are some of the birds of paradise I have look at.

Greater Bird Of Paradise
This bird of paradise I have looked at is called Greater Bird of Paradise. The greater bird of paradise gallops around shaking its big yellow feather trying to attract a female.
The colours on the greater bird of paradise is a goldy brown with yellow big feathers at the back. It also has a yellow head and a green chin. The colours are very bright and attractive.

Blue Bird Of Paradise
I have looked at the blue bird of paradise. I have chosen to look at this bird because it is interesting. I think this bird is interesting because the male opens up its bright blue feathers and dances around the female to attract the female. 
This is quite similar to a peacock because a peacock also opens up its feathers to attract the female. The female blue bird of paradise is quite dull compared to the male. The bird has different sections of its body that are in different colours such as the head is black and the feathers is blue and the tail feathers are orange.

King Bird Of Paradise
This Bird of paradise I have looked at is called the king bird of paradise.
The king bird o paradise has a bright yellow beak which and blight blue feet which contrast with the bright red feathers. The front of the bird is white and the chin is black. This bird also has an unusual tail feathers which look like an insects antenna which has a point that looks like a curled up green leaf.

King Of Saxony Bird Of Paradise
This bird I have looked at is called king of saxony.
This bird has two long thin feathers on top of the head. The colour of the bird is bright yellow and black. The king of saxony bird waves its two long feathers around to grab attention of other birds. The two long feathers look like antennas of an insects.

Ribbon Tailed Astrapias
This bird of paradise is black with a blue and green head. It also has two white tails coming out from the back which look like ribbons.

Other than looking at birds of paradise I have also looked at other types of tropical birds that could inspire me.

This bird I have looked at is the Peacock.

I have looked at this bird because the peacock has big feather. The male peacocks have all the bright colours and big feathers which open up at the back to impress a female peacock whereas the female peacocks are quite dull and brown. The colours of the peacock are bright blues and greens and kind of like lots of eyes everywhere. I really like this bird because it is very attractive because of the big, bright flaired feathers.

King Fisher
This tropcal bird I have looked at is a king fisher.

I have looked at this bird because is it very colourful with bright greens, blues and oranges. It also has big long wings for a small bird. This bird also has dotted patterns on the feathers with king of look like glitter.

Humming Bird
This bird I have looked at is called the humming bird.
A humming bird is a very small sized bird. They come in different colours, the image I am looking at is a blue coloured humming bird with hints of torquise and green. A humming bird is called a humming bird because of the noise that comed out when it is hovering in one place. The sound is like an insect such as a wasp or bee.

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